Monday, August 25, 2014

Tomboy Notes Projects: Getting Started

One of the projects that I have been working on and off for a probably about a year is Tomboy Notes. I really wanted to grasp the understanding of this project as it encompasses C# in which I am learning.  I decided to make sure that this time I stay on track as I started the month of August off with understanding Tomboy Notes.
Tomboy Notes can be found through Gnome at From this page, I read about Tomboy Notes and decided to join their mailing list, IRC client some time ago.  Also, I downloaded Tomboy Notes on my laptop and also downloaded Tomdroid on my cellphone. Right now, I would like to stick with working with Tomboy Notes for now. 
After downloading the application, I took the opportunity to educate myself on how to use Tomboy Notes and found some interesting features/plugins I can use which is found at their site: is exporting to html. On this site, I hope to try some of these other plugins

Friday, August 22, 2014

Xamarin Hello World experience part 1

For the last couple of days, I have found myself looking into mobile programming. Since I have an Android mobile phone, I am sticking with that to work on. I am hoping in the future, I can learn iOS and Windows as well. From my experience so far, I have navigated to the Xamarin website and selected the Developers section to understand Xamarin development.  After reading the setup and installation process, I went on over and selected the Android section. It is true, that it does take some of understanding of the code especially C# which I plan to go back and understand what I  did. On their website, there is a section that gives you a tutorial on how to create a Hello World Android with the mobile phone.
Here are my outcomes:
  • For step 20, I did not see the AndroidManifest.xml under Properties which I need to find out what happened.
  • I decided to proceed to step 21 and build and run the application. After running the application, I received an error which was "'Resource' does not exist in the current context" . I could not understand why I was receiving the error message as I was following the exact instructions. I went out to the website and found out that when Building the application that the properties in Resource.Designer.cs and Activity1.cs is set to Compile. I changed it to None and I was able to Build the application.
On the next round I would like to found out what happen to the AndroidManifest.xml and finish with the remaining steps for the Hello World portion.

Monday, August 18, 2014


Last week (August 13, 2014) I attended a meeting for mobile developers using C# as I do have an interest in understanding how mobile works. The topic discussed was using Xamarin.  Since I do not know too much about Xamarin, I went to their website to start looking around on how I can attempt use Xamarin. First I am going to start with the Getting Started to see what I can actually understand of it. I think I want to focus on the Android piece since I have an Android phone and Windows. Let’s see how that works.

Learning Programming

I truly wanted to chronicle the process that I am going through with learning programming and hopefully help those who have an interest in learning programming. I have taken classes on programming before but if you have not used it, you will definitely lose it and that is what has happened to me. There are so many programming languages to choose from which kind of left me in a state of not knowing which one to choose. One of the languages I have learned in the past is C#. I have read a couple of  C# books but this time around I want to do something different . I want to re-learn C# so that I can impart to teach it or find work.
There are lots of free resources online for C# but this time I decided that I want to start with taking Intro to C# with Udemy. The course has about 37 video modules to view. So far I have reviewed 10 modules and have learned where to find information about C# which can be found at MSDN which I need to check out.
I have found that signing up for several meetups in your area actually helps and that is what I have done. I have signed up JavaScript study group, mobile developers using C#, and Java study group. I think understanding JavaScript will also help as well. I have not been to the Java study group meetup yet but I think it might be worth taking a look at it as it might have similar syntax as C#.
Throughout my programming journey, I would like to attend events and write book reviews that relate to programming.